Friday, June 6, 2014

Happy Boy!

I was going to be there for your echo to help keep you calm but by the time i got there you'd already had it. You fell asleep in the middle of it. Your pressure was higher than normal but not high enough to restart your medicine. We will take it!!!
You slept in my arms for about an hour which I just loved.
Then you woke up and were a ham. You smiled like crazy and interacted with dad and me. It was so great. Your tongue moves almost as much as your eyebrows!
You watched your mobile and hugged your lovies. You tend to pull your tubes so we try and trick you and get you to hold your lovey. It worked like a charm. 
I'm so glad you're breathing easier yesterday and today. Your x ray yesterday showed that your lungs were hyper inflated so they went down on your pressure when inhaling. Today your blood gas was excellent so they went down on you pressure while exhaling as well as your breaths per minute. You seem to be tolerating the changes so far. 

So glad you're happy today. So glad gram is here to help with things. So glad you are my son. So glad to be your mom. 

Love you like crazy. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a good day!! Love that smiley guy so much. So happy Mom is there to help.
    Love you! xoxo
