Thursday, February 6, 2014


This morning started with snow flurries that actually stuck to the ground. After living in Texas for 8 years I have learned that even an inch of snow here means for terrible roads and lots of accidents. I knew it would be a nightmare to try to come to the hospital so I wasn't able to come see you today. I made sure to call in lots and check on you. Since I was home I went to the school and had lunch with each of the girls. By the time I was done with all their lunches it was 1:00 and I figured I might as well let them play hooky. A bazillion other parents were checking out their I kids so they jumped for joy when their teachers told them they were leaving early. We came home and they went outside right away.

After they came in side we watched you on the webcam. The nurse said your oxygen was at 65-70 all night and during the day. You were agitated by the tube and a little bit feisty so they put the mittens on you to try and prevent you grabbing the tube. You seemed to sleep more soundly after that. 

I read Julia stories and got very sleepy. I jokingly told her I was going to take a snooze and her response was that she was going to take one too. Much to my surprise she fell asleep less than five minutes later. 

I love that your eyes are open in this picture. I told you we watched you on the web cam a lot.

The girls worked on their jigsaw puzzle and sang along with the frozen soundtrack. 

 Dad went to be with you at the hospital and wait out the traffic. I'm glad he got to see you today. He face timed me so I could tell you I love you. Of course, the girls did too. 

While dad was at the hospital with you we played sorry. Claire was on a team with you and we had you on the webcam next to her. She said, "come on baby bro." She would show you the cards she drew and "consult" you before moving. It was one of the sweetest things ever. While we were playing the nurse went to change you. When she unwrapped you we got to see your onesie...

...No 1 little brother! Hallie announced, "he is the number 1 baby brother." It was so fun to feel like you were with us. The girls had a hard time at the end cause they just wanted you to be here in person. They want to meet you so bad. They adore you. 

Something you should know about me is that I am a sucker for dove milk chocolate (and Cadbury mini eggs, and colored Swedish fish, and ....hmmm I'll stop there).  I read a few of the wrappers and 3 of the 5 were the same one, "live in the present." I'm really trying to live in the present and focus on good things now instead of worrying about the future. You're here and I love you more than I can say. You are such a blessing to our family. I'm so glad the NICU has the web cam so we can see you, especially days like today when I can't come in. I'm so glad dad was able to see you today. I'm grateful I got to FaceTime you so I could tell you I love you and let you hear my voice. 

I love you little mister.

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