Thursday, February 27, 2014

11 weeks old

You are 11 weeks old. You've been in the NICU for 77 days. You had a rough morning even though you were back on the ventilator. You were having bronchial spasms where your oxygen saturation would drop way low and you'd start turning blue. It was terrifying and incredibly stressful. When babies go back on the ventilator they typically need more support the first day or two and then settle back in. When they increased your oxygen it seemed to help with those spasms, thank goodness. 
Here's what I got to see when I got to the hospital...

You opened your eyes and just looked around and right at me at times. You didn't do that on CPAP. You were always sleeping or agitated. You seem more restful again. It's amazing that the swelling in your eyes, nose and face is already gone. It's nice to see you more comfortable. You just need to rest and grow. Rest up buddy. 

I'm exhausted so I'm heading to bed. 


  1. I love the sweet picture of him looking right at you!! Melts my heart!! Praying for you guys!!

  2. While I've loved seeing his sweet cheeks, I've missed seeing his expressive eyes! He looks so much like Zeb, and I love the way he looks at you :) Love him!

  3. You've got it just right telling Caleb to rest and grow. Time is on our side!
