Thursday, November 14, 2013

Totally Surprised!

When they called me for my sonogram this morning I was surprised they were getting me in first thing. They wheeled me down to the MFM office and when the tech came in to do the sonogram she said, "So, you're getting your hair done?" I laughed and said, "Oh no. I WISH I was getting me hair done though."  She said the nurses were saying something about it. I told her she must have been mistaken or mixed me up with another patient. I had no idea what Zeb had up his sleeve and her mentioning it didn't even lead me to think something was in the works. 

My amazingly sweet husband called my friend and arranged to have her come. He called the nurses to make sure it was okay. He had them call the sono office to get me in first thing so I didn't have to go when my friend was here (she has a 2 month old baby so timing was everything, not to mention the fact that another friend was watching her 2 year old). I had no idea until my friend came and said, "Zeb sent me here to do your hair." No way! I couldn't believe it and was sooooooooooo excited. Just the thought of having my hair shampooed and lathered and scrubbed was fantastic, let alone throwing foils on and getting some color back in. Oh happy day! 

The shampoo was amazing. The one time I washed my hair here in the shower I didn't have any shampoo and conditioner so I used the shampoo and body wash in one that the hospital has on hand. It didn't come to a lather. Tad bit disappointing, but hey, at least I got to wash it. This shampoo was sweet. She scrubbed my hair for like 5 minutes! Ahhhhhh. Then I even got conditioner! 

THEN she blew it dry and even flat ironed it! She told me to close my eyes and pretend I was at the spa. Seriously I felt so spoiled. I told Zeb I feel like a million bucks! 

I feel like a clean, normal person! What a huge surprise today. My husband is the best. Seriously the best! 

While I was getting my hair done here is what Julia was up to! I love seeing all these cute faces. 

Claire flat ironed Julia's hair this morning. Julia doesn't like the natural curl in her hair and loves it straight. I had no idea a 4 year old could have an opinion about curly or straight hair. 

She curled Audrey's hair....

And Hallie's...What a nice sister. She said she was pretty tired by the time she was done with all the girls and herself. 

Thanks for doing your sisters hair Claire, bear! 

The sonogram showed my fluid at 2.7. Again, I'm just happy there is some in there. The blood flow to the cord looks good. Blood clot still the same size. They measure the babies size every 3-4 weeks here so that should be next week hopefully. Caleb was head down this time. Told you he moves a lot! 

Today was a FABULOUS day! Boy did the time pass quickly! And in between the sono and my hair I had a visit from another sweet friend. My friends sure do spoil me and my kids. 

Another day down! 


  1. You look beautiful! So happy for you! Love, Sil

  2. Now I want my hair washed and dried and straightened and I'm not even on bedrest! Claire is sweet to do her sisters' hair. With 5 boys we don't really have hair being "done" really.

    I read every post. I should comment more. When I have been stuck in bed, I would sometimes be waiting for people to post things for me to look at (FB, blogs, Instagram).

    I love how positive you are. It's not easy being in bed especially for a mom of young kids but I think you are being a great example to your girls (and me and others) how as a mother, you would do anything for your kids.

  3. Getting your hair done is the best! You look so pretty :)! And way to go Claire Bear! I'm impressed with your hair skills!

  4. You look beautiful as always!
    Love you!
