Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday Adventure!

Zeb thought it would be fun to bring the girls to see me on the DART train. They were totally game and ready for the adventure. I was so excited to hear about it and see them.

Zeb is so great. I mean honestly. He woke up in the morning and went the walmart and bought a new breakfast sandwich maker and made them all breakfast sandwiches with egg, sausage, and cheese. Did grocery shipping. Had the girls pack lunches and then headed to Rowlett to get on the train. The girls had fun on the train but of course it did take longer than driving. 

When the girls got here we had lunch together. This pic did not turn out well, bummer. 

I loved hearing about the train, breakfast, and what they've been up to. My cup runneth over. 

Zeb hung out while I spent time with the girls. A friend is watching them tonight so Zeb can come here for date night. He's getting my favorite Mexican food and we will just spend time together. I am giddy with excitement. We have been married for almost 13 years and I can honestly say I love spending time with him just as much as when we we first married, if not more. I love him more every day we share together. 

After Zeb left with the girls he took them to target to buy Audrey new PE shoes that she needs. Seriously, he is super Dad. 

He called me and said, "The girls are trying to tell me we owe them all this money. Birthday money and grade money? The pied piper hasn't paid so I thought I'd ask you." Love it. Love him. Love that the girls have been patient with waiting for their money, Hallie's birthday was in September. :). 


  1. Seriously love this post. My favorite part is the pictures with you and the girls... I love them!! Claire is getting so old!! I love the tiny space in Julia's front teeth... have I ever told you that? Love that Zeb is so amazing but kind of annoyed too! Ha. Does he ever quit?? :) He is a machine. I am so thankful you married him. I loved hearing and reading about how tender he was all night with you on mag. How he kissed your head and fed you ice chip after chip.

    I love all the good that this experience has brought to so many. I am grateful for the things I have learmed on this roller coaster ride of a pregnancy. It is blessing our whole family, strengthening our faith and increasing our love for eachother. I am beyond thrilled you will be 25 week on Monday. Honestly, a MIRACLE from a loving Heavenly Father. You amaze me. Your attitude and faith make me want to be so much better! The day you were bleeding and contracting and you texted us...I was home worrying myself sick... I was so shocked and scared and honestly felt like I can't so this anymore!! I can't sit and wait and worry for one more felt like months and months since you started bleeding at 17 weeks. I prayed a lot and thought a lot and I am better for it. It was no fun, but I see the hand of the Lord in your life, in Caleb's and in my own telling me that he is close. He loves his children. He will give us the strength in the hour we need it the most.
    I love you more than I can say. Proud and thankful to call you my little sister. I am feeling a little sad we didn't talk tonight! I had a fireside right after the birthday party. It almost 10 and I haven't had dinner yet! Miss you. I'll "see" you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Pretty sure I didn't get my birthday money from Zeb either...

  3. Go Leah! My prayers are with you :). As you've testified, I know the Lord is with you and will continue to be :).

    ~ Stephen (cousin)
