Sunday, November 10, 2013

Date Night Success!

I was anxiously anticipating date night last night. Zeb picked up Mexican food from one of our favorite restaurants and boy was I excited to eat it! For those of you that don't know, Mexican food is my all time favorite. We are talking, I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner favorite. Wen Zeb and I went on our honeymoon in Las Vegas we found a local Mexican restaraunt there that knocked our socks off. They even made fresh tortillas right there in front of you. Once we discovered it we went there pretty much every day for the rest of our honeymoon. My mom's parents both went to a University in Mexico which was where they met. So it's in my blood, right? The food was awesome and our tummies were satisfied. Oh and don't worry the flautas were soon smothered in guacamole and a white cream sauce. Mmmmm

After dinner we waited for a movie to download to the ipad so we could watch it without it cutting in and out. We got out our nothing bundt cake a friend brought us and settled in for the movie.

My hot date was not cooperative in the picture taking department but I forgive him for that. So you get pictures of our food. Here's what the girls were up to during our date:

Getting practice for when they can help bathe baby brother.

Movie and treat time! 
Love these smiling faces and all our friends that take care of them each day. We are one lucky family. I am one lucky wife and mother. 

Another day down! 


  1. Glad y'all are all doing well. The girls are adorable as always. Rory started calling Julia JuJu Bear yesterday. Didnt know what she was talking about until I asked her and she finally answered "Why my Best Friend Julia, of course." With hands on hips.... It was seriously to cute! Please keep us updated if we can help at all.

  2. I'm currently in Vegas. What is the name of the restaurant that had amazing Mexican food?
