Friday, November 29, 2013

Sleepover Part 2

On Wednesday I texted Stephanie and asked if she would bring shampoo and conditioner and a blow dryer to do my hair. She brought it all and washed and dried my hair for me. I can't tell you how good it feels to have a clean scalp and normal looking hair when you go 2 weeks between washes. It was heaven. 

My feet have been super dry (understatement) since I don't take regular showers, just songe baths, so not enough skin is sloughing off naturally. That said, my feet were caked in dry skin like I have never seen before.  I will spare you the picture. It's was insane. So the girls got a basin and soaked my feet. The scrubbed them, put lotion on them and massaged them. They were so sweet. 

They even painted them! 

Claire asked if I would like her to shave my legs. Not gonna turn that down. She was so worried about my shin bone that's sticking out pretty far now. She was so worried that even the electric razor would cut them. She did a great job and they feel much better. At one point I told her our legs are probably close to the same size now since I lost my muscle. Her response was, "Probably our lower legs, but I don't think our thighs are." Uh for sure. My thighs and her thighs aren't even in the same bell curve. Love her. 

It is so much fun to be able to spend time with 2 of the girls at a time. I feel like I get to focus on them more. When all 4 are here for a couple hours I feel like I don't get to really "see" each of them. To spend so many days on break with them AND get a sleepover was awesome. I loved it. The girls did too. 

I seriously adore these girls. I couldnt get them to both smile without flashing a sign or puckering their lips to save my life. They are at such a fun age. 

It was so fun to spend time with my sister too. I love my sisters. So grateful Steph came and that she sacrificed thanksgiving with her family to have it with mine. So many nurses say she looks like my dark haired twin. I love it. We don't see it the way others do but it's fun to hear it. :)

We watched some duck dynasty, talked and then Got ready for bed. Claire and Hallie wanted to play monopoly. About two minutes into the game Stephanie was out. She pretty much runs around for me all day long. At about 11:30 we called it a night and hit the sack. 

The next morning was thanksgiving and the girls packed up their stuff and headed home. They'll come back later tonight with everyone for thanksgiving pie. Mmmmm 

I flailed my first glucose test thanksgiving morning so I get take the three hour one Friday. Fingers crossed. 


1 comment:

  1. You look great! I don't see any weight in your cheeks :). I bet the girls loved having sleep overs with you. And I am so proud of what good girls they are. They love you so much! It warms my heart.
