Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dum Dum Story

I had failed to recognize that most of the people who read our blog weren't able to come to the celebration of Caleb's life. Because of that those that weren't there wouldn't know the story behind the Dum Dums and why we took them to the NICU with the girls a few weeks ago.
I wanted to share the story with everyone.

I hope those reading this will all remember him when you see or eat a Dum Dum. Goodness I am grateful for his amazing doctors and nurses and the little things they did for him. Goodness I wish I could give him another Dum Dum.

Here is the display at the funeral.

A dear friend made this wreath for us with hundreds of Dum Dums. It was just perfect.

The basket on the table held hundreds of Dum Dums with tags that read, "Caleb, our lives are sweeter because of you." Lots of friends got together to make these and I am so grateful to them for every minute they spent on them. We loved having them there for the kids and families and we loved sharing this special story with our friends and family.

Our lives are all truly sweeter because of our precious Caleb. They are richer. They are more faithful,  more beautiful. I am better because of him. 



  1. I love that story! I will forever think of you and Caleb now when my kids have a Dum Dum!

  2. This story reminds me of your kind hearted neighbors who love you all so much and who take care of you. I will always be grateful for the love they show you. It also reminds me of how strong you two are. I can't imagine what those days must have been like, but I admire you for enduring through it.

  3. Thanks for sharing the story! That is so sweet! We still pray for your family!

  4. I think of Caleb when we have Dum Dums, our bank hands them out and my kids LOVE them.
