Monday, January 13, 2014

To Steroids and BEYOND...

Today's update from Leah:
He had his first eye exam today which we will here the results on tomorrow. His eyes are swollen because of the exam but of course his is still cute. I love to hold his little hand when he's up to it. I love how he'll grab on and not let go for several minutes. We had him unwrapped since he was getting a little toasty. It was so hard to watch his chest go up and down. I wish I could breathe for him. His little body is trying so hard. Goodness I love him.

I wish I could kiss his cheeks! We started the steroid dexamethazone for Caleb this morning. The course is twice a day for 10 days. After 2 days the doc says you usually start to see some improvements. Babies that respond well can be weaned down on oxygen. We hope Caleb is able to benefit from the steroids. While we were at the hospital he pooped 4 times in a matter of 20 minutes. Zeb was wearing a mask and still caught wind of Caleb's business. It was hilarious. The fortifier they give him for added calories sure does stink. Like clear the room stink. He is up to 4 pounds 14 ounces although Zeb said after the poopy diapers he's probably more like 4!!!! 

I know their family feels the prayers being said for them. Thank you!!! A funny story... Christmas morning our kids were gathered in our bedroom before we went to see if Santa had come. Our youngest, age 3 was SO excited. We told him we were going to have a prayer first. He immediately got on his knees, prayed for Leah, said amen and was ready to go!! It made my heart smile.

I love you little stinky Caleb!!
Auntie Angie


  1. He is just the sweetest little thing. Constantly keeping a prayer in my heart for you guys.
