Sunday, January 12, 2014

One Month Old

Caleb's oxygen has been floating around 50 to 60% today. We talked to the doctor and we will likely start an IV steroid tomorrow. His oxygen requirement has been trending higher so the hope is that the steroid will help bring the oxygen requirement down. As with all medicines there are side effects but at this point the benefits appear to outweigh the risk of the side effects. He now weighs 4lbs. 11oz. I was holding his hand through the blanket helping his oxygen saturation to come back up. Almost every nurse that has him talks about how cute he is, how much hair he has and that he looks like his daddy. We'll keep you posted.

I love this picture of Leah and Caleb. You can feel her love for him. It reminded me of a beautiful quote I love. President Boyd K. Packer (he is an apostle in our church) said,
"I have come to know that faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief. There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother." 

A little shout out to Zeb: Good work on Leah's new camera for Christmas!! These pictures look so good. Amazing the difference a good camera makes.

And now... I believe a little song is in order...
One month older and wiser too, Happy One Month Birthday, to You!!
Love you baby, Caleb.
Cohen and I sang to you today on the web cam. Wish you could hear it... Cohen thinks you can! He tells me everyday... "SHHHH he's sleeping. Don't wake him up."
Auntie Angie


  1. Thanks again, Angie. Prayers and Love. XO. <3

  2. Happy one month Caleb! Hope those steroids help his lungs. These pictures are so powerful. I know to have the tissues handy every time I look at the blog.

  3. Love the pics! Believing and praying still! :)

  4. Leah, I can't pretend to know the emotions you go through with little Caleb. But I hope you can feel of the many prayers of strength and comfort on his and your family's behalf. Sending our love from Utah! And thank you, Angie, for the updates!
