Monday, December 23, 2013

Resting and Growing

Things are pretty much the same today. The doctor is fine with Caleb taking a day to rest and grow. His stats haven't changed much. They did put a line in his right wrist so they can give him blood when he needs it. His oxygen bounces between 28 and 35% which is pretty good. But we're having trouble getting the air pressure and amplitude any lower. If we don't see some progress over the next few days they may put him on the conventional ventilator to see if we can get the ball rolling again. In the photo above Caleb was getting agitated so Zeb held his fingers and rested his hand on his face. It was so sweet to him calm down.

 They put Caleb in a "snuggie" to help him feel more like he would in the womb. I love seeing him all cozy.

This is what they suction out if his mouth that comes from his lungs. :(

Leah also told me both chest tubes are out and Caleb weighs 3.53 pounds now.
So thankful for his progress and your prayers. Thank you!! We love you Fish family!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news! Thanks for the updates. I like him all snuggled too.
