Monday, December 2, 2013

One week Older!

For the last few weeks I started singing to Caleb on Mondays. Each Monday marks another week and they each feel like huge milestones. Here's what I sing...
"You had a birthday, shout Hooray! We want to sing to you today. One week older and stronger too, Happy Birthday, to you!" 
Today I'm kind of on cloud nine! Each nurse or doctor I see, I throw my hands in the air and practically shout for joy. I am so happy to be 28 weeks. Such a miracle. We have come so far from the time my water broke when he wasn't big enough to survive. 
When the neonatologist first came to talk to us when I was 23 weeks the odds were so hard to hear. He mentioned that if I reached 28 weeks he would love to come back to give me those statistics. I asked the nurses to have him come talk to me. Hopefully he will come in tomorrow and I'll get to hear completely different odds. What I read online is so promising. 

Zeb took the girls for family home evening to pick out a Christmas tree. Normally we go the day after thanksgiving and cut one down at a tree farm. This year they got one locally and we will resume our tradition next year. I think they picked a good lookin tree! 

Although this post is short, it is HUGE! Turned a big corner today and couldn't be happier! 

Another day down,


  1. You are the cutest EVER! Love that you sing to him. Amazing how much I am attched and love that little guy after weeks and weeks of praying and hoping and pleading. I adore you. Love the tree. It look "chubby" :) xoxo
