Monday, December 9, 2013

29 Weeks

I was anxious and excited to go for my ultrasound today. I knew they would measure Caleb and was excited to see the progress he has made. They measured 2.4cm of fluid. They are estimating his weight to be 2 pounds 14 ounces. He's gained over a pound in the last 3 weeks! You can definitely tell by my growing belly. His measurements are in the 50th percentile which I'm thrilled with. They also measured his chest (thorax) which can tell us if he is in the bottom percentile or not. Babies that measure in the 2.5 percentile and below are at higher risk for pulmonary hypoplasia. Pulmonary hypoplasia is incomplete development of the lungs, which is obviously critical for survival. Caleb's chest measured is in the 25th percentile. While this measurement doesn't mean he doesn't have it, it at least can give reason to believe his lungs may be a normal size and have been able to develop. Babies with pulmonary hyperplasia have very small lungs which means the thoracic cavity is smaller. It was nice to get such encouraging measurements. His stomach was also partially filled which means he is sallwing some fluid. That's great!!! 

Today I am 29 weeks! It's amazing to think I am 1 week way from 30 weeks! Oh I am so happy! 



  1. Yay! You look great! I love that growing belly!

  2. I love this picture! I love that you are 29 weeks! always thinking of you my friend. Wait til you see my christmas card. All I have to say is great minds think

  3. I am not even sure how I found your blog :-)

    I just wanted to write because during my third pregnancy, I lost my amniotic fluid at 13 weeks. I did not have any from 13-22 weeks, and I had 1-2.5 cm from 22-28 weeks

    Tessa was miraculously born, crying, at 28 weeks.

    If you want to peek into our journey, my signature links to her blog (tarted April 19, 2011)

    Will pray for your baby!

  4. BTW- I now volunteer in the OB Special Care area at my local hospital and have met MANY moms that were told the same odds as us...and went home with babies:-)

    There is HOPE!

  5. You are so adorable. So excited for you to have made it this far. Keep it up Momma.
