Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

I was lucky enough to be able to spend Mother's Day with all of my babies.
Your sisters and dad showered me with presents, songs, and notes.
When I got to the hospital your oxygen was in a good range which allowed me a bit of relief. 
The past 2-3 days you've had great numbers and it is so wonderful! 
I care about you so much and it's important to me that you have comfort whenever possible.
Dad took the girls to have a donut that Dr. Green saved for them while I got to hold you and spend a few minutes with you. I loved it. I love you. I love all my babies.
I found myself fighting constant thoughts of doubts as a mother throughout the day. I have never
been in the position where I can't care for all of my children in the capacity that I feel I need or desire to. I feel a nagging that I can't ever do enough for any of you and I try my hardest to nip those thoughts in the bud. I'm trying my hardest and this situation our family is in is just plain tricky.
I love you, sweet boy.
Oh how I love you.
One of my favorite things about you is your eyes. I feel as though your spirit is telling me a story. Your eyes reach your soul and I see strength that leaves me speechless. 
I'm so grateful to be your mama. I am so grateful for your sisters. You all bring me such joy.

Love you to the moon and back.
P.S. Over the weekend mom and dad each took two sisters out on dates. Thought you might want to see...
Driving home from wake boarding at a cable lake. 

And here we are visiting the cutest, sweetest, most adorable baby boy...
(That'd be you...)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Leah! You are doing more for your kids than you will ever know. I'm sure it's difficult to not be able to have them and be with them all together but you are giving a combination of 10000%. Who can say the do that? You are a rock star!
