Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hello sweet boy. I love this picture of you with the lion from Atticus. Cheryl tucked him in with you tonight. I like to think that Atticus had a big talk with you before you came here and gave you lots of advice on being brave and courageous. He is the best one to give you tips on that. He is amazing. 
We went to visit his grave tonight and the sky was filled with his colors. Blue and orange. 
Atticus loved balloons. I remember when he was a little toddler I loved getting him "boons." He was obsessed. He also loves balls. We signed a ball for him and I made sure to sign your name, Caleb. 
The wind wasn't cooperating but we got him super hero, star, and "you're number one" balloons. We sure are lucky and blessed to know him. 

Sleep tight with your brave lion. It's a pretty special present. 
I love you, Caleb. 


  1. Love the pics. You guys are the best.


  2. This post made me cry (like, a lot). What strong boys those two are!
